दक्षिण कोंकणी उतरावळि

A Southern Konkani Vocabulary Collection

Verbs starting with letters झि, झी, झु, झू, झे, झै, झो and झौ

झि, झी, झु, झू, झे, झै, झो आनी झौ अक्षरांचीं क्रियापदां

  1. be at war
  2. be in dilemma
  3. be in indecision
  4. be undecided
  5. clash
  6. conflict
  7. fight
  8. flash
  9. glimmer
  10. lay down arms
  11. pounce
  12. quarrel
  13. scintillate
  14. seize
  15. snatch away
  16. swoop
  17. waft
  18. waver